List of Methods for RPX Account Customers

NOTE : All Method Names Are CASE SENSITIVE


Description: Get Revenue from an Account for a Periodic Time

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
account_number String 9 Your Account number
trackdate_from String 10 trackdate from (YYYY-MM-DD)
trackdate_to String 10 trackdate to (YYYY-MM-DD)

Example XML return.


Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
AWB String 12 AWB number
SERVICE_TYPE_ID String 3 Service type
ACCOUNT_NUMBER String 9 Your RPX Account number
CUSTOMER_NAME String 255 Customer name
POSTAL_CODE String 6 Postal code
CONSIGNEE_NAME String 255 Consignee name
CONSIGNEE_PHONE String 50 Consignee telephone number
CONSIGNEE_COMPANY String 50 Consignee company
CONSIGNEE_ADDRESS1 String 255 Consignee address 1
CONSIGNEE_ADDRESS2 String 255 Consignee address 2
CONSIGNEE_CITY String 50 Consignee city
CONSIGNEE_CITY_ID String 50 Consignee city ID
CONSIGNEE_ZIP String 10 Consignee postal code
REFERENCE_DESC String 50 Reference/Order description
TRACKING_DATE String 10 Tracking date (YYYY-MM-DD)
TRACKING_TIME String 8 Tracking time (HH:mm:ss)
TRACKING_COMMENT String 100 Tracking comment
TOT_WEIGHT String 50 Total weight
TOT_PACKAGE String 50 Total package
TOTAL_INVOICE String 50 Total invoice


Description: Get POD Report for an Account within a Periodic Time

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
account_number String 9 Your RPX Account number
year String 10 Periodic year (YYYY) -> OPTIONAL

Example XML return.


Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
TAHUN String 4 Periodic Year
BULAN String 2 Periodic Month
TOTAL_AWB String 10 Total AWB
TOTAL_POD String 10 Total POD
TOTAL_ONPROGRESS String 10 Total On Progress


Description: Get RPX Domestic Rates for a Customer Account Number from Origin to Destination with a Specific Weight and Discount with/without Service Type

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
account_number String 9 Your RPX Account number
service_type String 9 3 chars RPX Service Type. Full list of RPX Service Type is available in API "getService" (OPTIONAL)
origin String 3 3 Char Origin from service "getOrigin"
destination String 3 3 Char Destination from service "getDestination"
weight Numeric 3 3 Digit Weight Package (in Kg)
disc Numeric 3 3 Digit Discount (between 0 – 100, in percent) (OPTIONAL)
format String 5 XML for output XML or JSON for output JSON

Example XML return.


<TITLE>Rates for Account No. 123456789 From Jakarta (JAK) TO Denpasar (DPS), Weight 1 Kg, Discount 0 %</TITLE>
	<SERVICE>Next Day Package (NDP)</SERVICE>
	<ETD>2 day(s)</ETD>
	<SERVICE>MidDay Package (MDP)</SERVICE>
	<ETD>1 day(s)</ETD>
	<SERVICE>SameDay Package (SDP)</SERVICE>
	<ETD>0 day(s)</ETD>


<TITLE>Rates for Account No. 123456789 From Jakarta (JAK) TO Denpasar (DPS), Weight 1 Kg, Discount 0 %</TITLE>
	<SERVICE>Ecommerce Package (ERP)</SERVICE>
	<ETD>2 day(s)</ETD>

Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
TITLE String 100 Title
DATA – SERVICE String 100 Service Type
DATA – PRICE String 20 Price of Service Type depend on weight & disc
DATA – ETD String 1 Estimated Delivery Day


Description: Sending the Data Manifest of the Package that will be delivered by RPX.
For using method sendShipmentData, you must have an API USER ID and PASSWORD. Also, you must have RPX Account Number to be used as SHIPPER_ACCOUNT in API array parameter.
If you want to test with dummy data in RPX staging development database, please use ‘demo’ (without quotes) as user & password and 234098705 as shipper_account.
You can also request a staging user id to be used during your development. Please contact your RPX Sales if you want to have this user id.

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
awb String 20 Airwaybill Number (AWB). AWB is a Numeric RPX Tracking Number. One RPX AWB must be assigned only to one order delivery package. This AWB must also be printed as BARCODE on Customer's Shipping Label. There are 3 ways of getting RPX AWB : 1. Customers requests a series (batch) of AWBs to RPX. RPX will then gave the AWB batch to customer. Customers will manage the usage of these AWBs in their internal system. One AWB can only be used once and can not be assigned to another package. Customers may request another series of AWBs in case they are running out of AWBs. 2. RPX reserved the AWBs under your RPX account in RPX system. One AWB will be given as part of the successfull response whenever customer send Sendshipmentdata (by leaving the awb parameter in blank). 3. By using another API, GetNewAwb. API GetNEwAwb can be used to get an RPX AWB which already reserved under your RPX account. After you get an AWB then you can send Sendshipmentdata with that AWB included in sendshipmentdata parameter. Check more information about GetNewAwb.
package_id String 20 Your internal reference id of your Package Delivery Number (if any). If you dont need to declare it, just fill in with the same information as you stated in order_number parameter. (OPTIONAL)
order_type String 3 Related to who claim the Order. State as OS, if the package collected at your Warehouse. State as MP, if the package collected at your Market Place's Merchants or Partners address. (OS = Online Store, MP = Market Place\)
order_number String 60 The Order / Package Number. The unique id of your package which must be print out as Barcode in your Shipping Label. This Order Number will be pairing one on one with AWB (RPX Tracking Number).
service_type_id String 3 RPX Delivery Service type applied to this Package. You can get a list of RPX Service Type by using API getService.
shipper_account String 9 Shipper RPX account number to be used as Billed Account of this Package.
shipper_name String 40 Shipper name. Could be Personal (Market Place Merchants) or Corporate ecommerce name.
shipper_company String 40 Shipper company name. If you need to mentioned Company name of the shipper, please stated here. If not, put the same information as shipper name.
shipper_address1 String 255 Shipper address1 (Street Name, Residence/Building Name, Residence/Building number).
shipper_address2 String 255 Shipper address2 (additional line for Street Name, Residence/Building Name, Residence/Building number).
shipper_kelurahan String 50 Shipper Kelurahan (Sub District)
shipper_kecamatan String 50 Shipper Kecamatan (District)
shipper_city String 30 Shipper city
shipper_state String 30 Shipper state (Province)
shipper_zip String 10 Shipper zip code
shipper_phone String 20 Shipper phone number
identity_no String 50 To identify COD (Cash On Delivery) Shipment. Stated as COD\ in case your package is a COD Shipment. Leave in blank for non COD Shipment.
shipper_mobile_no String 30 Shipper mobile number
shipper_email String 50 Shipper email address (OPTIONAL)
consignee_account String 40 Consignee account number (if any) (OPTIONAL)
consignee_name String 40 Consignee name
consignee_company String 40 Consignee company name. If you need to mentioned Company name of the consignee, please stated here. If not, put the same information as consignee name. (OPTIONAL)
consignee_address1 String 255 Consignee address1. (Street Name, Residence/Building Name, Residence/Building number).
consignee_address2 String 255 Consignee address2. (Street Name, Residence/Building Name, Residence/Building number).
consignee_kelurahan String 50 Consignee Kelurahan (Sub District)
consignee_kecamatan String 50 Consignee Kecamatan (District)
consignee_city String 30 Consignee city
consignee_state String 30 Consignee state (Province)
consignee_zip String 10 Consignee zip code
consignee_phone String 20 Consignee phone number
consignee_mobile_no String 30 Consignee mobile number
consignee_email String 50 Consignee email address (OPTIONAL)
desc_of_goods String 255 Description of goods/package
tot_package String 4 Total Quantities of Package's Box to be Delivered under one AWB Tracking Number.
actual_weight String 10 Actual Weight of the Package (in Kg) by your scale. However, Final Chargeable weight will be based on final RPX weighing. (OPTIONAL)
tot_weight String 10 Total Chargeable Weight (in Kg) of the Package by your scale. The bigger number between actual_weight and tot_domensi will be taken as Chargeable Weight. However, Final Chargeable weight will be based on final RPX weighing. RPX Weight is always in a full (non fractional) scale. Round Up method is applied. e.q : 1.3 will be saved as 2.
tot_declare_value String 10 Total Paid Value of the Package (in case of COD Shipment, it will be considered as Amount of Money to be collected from Consignee by RPX Delivery Courier). Please stated as full numerical without dot or comma separator. e.q : 175000 for one hundred seventy five thousand)
tot_dimensi String 10 Total Dimension scale of the Package. RPX standard formula is (Longest X Widest X Highest)cm/6000. Just leave it blank if you are not sure. (OPTIONAL)
flag_mp_spec_handling String 1 Flag request Special Handling (Y/N) (OPTIONAL)
insurance String 1 Flag request Insurance (Y/N). To indicate covered by RPX Insurance. Must have Formal Agreement to apply this. Contact RPX Sales for more information.(OPTIONAL)
surcharge String 1 Surcharge value (If any)(OPTIONAL)
high_value String 1 Flag request High Value (Y/N) (OPTIONAL)
value_docs String 1 Flag request Value Docs (Y/N) (OPTIONAL)
electronic String 1 Flag request Electronic (Y/N) (OPTIONAL)
flag_dangerous_goods String 1 Flag request DangerousGoods (Y/N) (OPTIONAL)
flag_birdnest String 1 Flag request Birdnest (Y/N) (OPTIONAL)
declare_value String 10 Total Value of Package which will be insuranced. Only applied if the insurance flag is Y. Please stated as full numerical without dot or comma separator. e.q : 175000 for one hundred seventy five thousand) (OPTIONAL)
format String 5 stated XML (or blank) for XML response, or stated JSON for JSON response.
dest_store_id String 4 just leave in blank.
dest_dc_id String 4 just leave in blank.
widhtx String 4 Fill with total width of package (OPTIONAL)
lengthx String 4 Fill with total length of package (OPTIONAL)
heightx String 4 Fill with total height of package (OPTIONAL)

Example XML return.



	<RESULT>Success - Already Sent</RESULT>

Common Failed Response.

	<RESULT>Failed - User ID or Password or Account Number Incorrect</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Service Type Incorrect</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Posting Data Error</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Sending Privilege Denied</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - AWB Unavailable</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Non COD Destination</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Possibly Non Served Area</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Service Unavailable for Origin and Destination</RESULT>

Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
RESULT String 50 Return Success/Failed when Sending Data OK/Not OK
AWB_RETURN String 12 AWB Response when Sending Data OK


Description: Send Receipt information Data of AWB numbers for 1 booking code number from store to RPX

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
account_number String 9 Account number
kode_toko String 20 Kode Toko/Store
nomor_surat_jalan String 50 Nomor Surat Jalan
booking_code_no String 50 Booking code no
cashier String 50 Nama Cashier
courier_id String 12 ID Kurir yang melakukan pickup barang
courier_name String 50 Nama Kurir yang melakukan pickup
awb_numbers String 1000 AWB number untuk 1 booking code, jika lebih dari 1 maka dipisahkan dengan tanda ; (koma)
format String 5 XML for output XML or JSON for output JSON

Example XML return.




Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
RESULT String 1 Return Success or Failed


ATTENTION ! Last Update 02 NOV 2016 : For JSON response, please check and reorder again your flag order as below. Otherwise the response will be in XML format
Description: Send Pickup Information Request

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
order_type String 3 Order Type (please fill in with PU) (MANDATORY)
pickup_agent_id String 10 Agent ID/Loket ID/Unique ID for Pickup Information
pickup_ready_time String 16 Pickup Date and Time for Pickup , can be Today or Next Day (YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN)(MANDATORY)
pickup_request_by String 50 Name of Contact Person at Pickup Point (MANDATORY)
pickup_account_number String 50 Your RPX Account Number to be used for This Pickup Request (MANDATORY)
pickup_company_name String 50 Company Name for Pickup Information
pickup_company_address String 200 Detail Address of Pickup Point (Nama dan No.Jalan-Gedung Lantai-Kecamatan-Kota Kab-Provinsi)(MANDATORY)
pickup_city String 3 City ID for Pickup Information (from service "getRouteOrigin" -> tag ORIGIN)
pickup_postal_code String 10 Postal Code of Pickup Location (MANDATORY)
service_type String 3 3 chars Service Type (from service "getService")
desc_of_goods String 255 Description of goods/package
tot_declare_value String 10 Total Value of Package (Needs for Insurance Info)
office_closed_time String 5 Time of Office Close for Pickup Information (HH:NN)
pickup_shipper_name String 50 Shipper Name for Pickup Information
pickup_company_email String 50 Email Address for Pickup Information
pickup_cellphone String 50 Available Mobile Number at Pickup Point (MANDATORY)
pickup_phone String 50 Available Phone Number at Pickup Point (MANDATORY if Cellphone is not available))
destin_postal_code String 10 Destination Postal Code (from service "getPostalCode")
destin_city String 3 Destination City ID (from service "getCity")
destin_province String 50 Destination Province (from service "getProvince")
total_weight String 10 Total Weight of Package (NUMERIC), default = 1
total_package String 10 Total Package (NUMERIC), default = 1
awb_numbers String 10000 RPX AWB Number of the Package that ready to be picked up. Please separate by semicolon(;) to list multiple AWB. untuk 1 booking code jika lebih dari 1 maka dipisahkan dengan tanda ';'(titik koma)
format String 5 XML for output XML or JSON for output JSON

Example XML return.

	<RESULT>Success - Already Sent</RESULT>

Common Failed Response.

	<RESULT>Failed - User ID or Password or Account Number Incorrect</RESULT>
	<RESULT>Failed - Posting Data Error</RESULT>

Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
RESULT String 50 Return Success/Failed when Sending Data OK/Not OK
PICKUP_REQUEST_NO String 20 Pickup Request Number Receipt when Sending Data OK
PIN String 5 PIN Code when Sending Data OK. The same PIN Code will be sent out to the courier


If you want to test with dummy data to our development database, please use ‘demo’ (without quotes) as user & password.

Description: Void/Cancel Shipment Data from RPX Client to RPX Database by AirwayBill Number & Account Number

Input parameters

Field Name Type Data Length Description
user String 20 API Username
password String 20 API Password
account_number String 9 Your RPX Account number
awb String 20 Airwaybill Number
void_reason String 50 Reason for Void Shipment (Optional)
format String 5 XML for output XML or JSON for output JSON

Example XML return.

	<DATE_VOIDED>2014-01-27 11:23:05</DATE_VOIDED>
	<RESULT>Success - Already Voided</RESULT>
	<DATE_VOIDED>2014-01-27 11:23:05</DATE_VOIDED>

Common Failed Response.

	<RESULT>Failed - Void Privilege Denied</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Shipment not found</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Shipment Already Processed</RESULT>


	<RESULT>Failed - Server Busy. Try again.</RESULT>

Output fields

Field Name Type Data Length Description
RESULT String 50 Return Success/Failed when Sending Data OK/Not OK
DATE_VOIDED String 19 Datetime of Voided Shipment (YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS)
VOID_REASON String 50 Reason of Voided Shipment

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